Nu Eta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

The Nu Eta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority is a collegiate chapter at the University of West Florida in Pensacola. Although originally chartered in the 80's the Nu Eta chapter was brought back to life in 1999 and has been going strong ever since.

Noble and Elegant NH

The Noble and Elegant Nu Eta chapter has made its presence known UWF's Campus. Check out the following photos of the lovely ZphiB ladiez attending numerous events.

2010 Finer Womanhood Week
Every year the Noble and Elegant NH has Finer womanhood week which includes a list of campus and community service activities.
Showtime At The Apollo (NH invited UWF Students to showcaZe their numerous talents in the Argo Galley)

UWF's Relay for Life 
NH attends University of West Florida's relay for life in support of the fight against cancer.